

D2000 Closures with the ProSeriesâ„¢ Advantage

The ProSeriesâ„¢ Advantage standardizes the safest, most trusted closure on the market to fit more sizes, applications and technical specifications.


For decades, operators have trusted the functional and durable D2000 Closure to protect their field technicians and keep product safely in the pipe. It's easy to understand why. As a component of integrated pigging solutions from , the D2000 Quick Actuating Closure allows operators to stand safely to the side during opening or closing. Operations that can be performed by one person in a fast, single motion. In fact, because it requires minimal tools and fewer personnel, it takes less time to operate the D2000 than any closure on the market.

Fewer parts than other closures make it easy to clean, easy to maintain and reduce the risk of failure. Now, the most trusted closure on the market comes with the ProSeries Advantage. That means it's standardized to fit a wider range of sizes, applications, technical specifications and requirements, which shortens lead time, reduces costly customizations and assures safe, compliant performance. The D2000 Quick Actuating Closure with a ProSeries Advantage; an easy, safe way to run your pigging or integrity program, optimize product flow and reduce downtime. What you need, when you need it. Safe, reliable, certain.