

Differential Diagnostics Episode 5

Learn how the MDS™ (Multiple Datasets) platform provides defect information for advanced analytics, so operators can invest time and resources where it’s needed most.


In the pipeline industry, the risk of mechanical damage is a daily reality. And when mechanical damage does occur, it can be widespread. That means operators need more than damage notification, they need details. Where is each defect located? Exactly what kind of damage occurred? Plain dents or interactive defects like dents with metal loss, dents with gouging, or any of those scenarios with dent re-rounding.

Essentially, operators need a comprehensive mechanical damage assessment method that allows them to prioritize repairs, and invest time and resources where they're needed most. The MDSâ„¢ (Multiple Datasets) platform addresses that need. The MDS platform enables comprehensive interactive threat detection, providing necessary information for advanced analytics. This innovative technique leverages all available datasets, generating inputs to a sophisticated mechanical damage prioritization system developed by Battelle.

The Binary Decision Tree was the result of research to find the manual for the detection, classification, analysis and severity ranking of mechanical damage defects. It is considered a pipeline industry standard for developing mechanical damage priority classifications using multiple inputs. The Battelle methodology adds considerable value to the prioritization process because it accounts for interacting pipeline threats and their potential to impact overall severity. Using MDS platform capabilities, further enhancements have been made to the model, addressing strain, proximity to wells and presence of axial metal loss, to name a few.

By the time the classification process is complete, operators have a comprehensive report on each mechanical damage feature identified. This report gives every location a priority ranking based on its severity, allowing pipeline operators to know where to focus time and resources. The question is, what kind of impact to these priority reports have on operators' ability to protect their pipelines integrity?

Differential diagnostics, the power to know more.