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Pig Type




Diameter Range


The WCK cleaning pig is designed to cut through flow-restricting buildup and pipeline deposits. The DD configuration is capable of cleaning multiple diameter sizes of pipe, even in one run.


  • 6-inch through 14-inch.

Key Features

  • Can be equipped with tempered steel wire brushes or blades and urethane cups or discs for specific cleaning applications.
  • Front end outlet port prevents loosened debris from piling up.
  • Extra bypass holes can be added to the urethane cups to increase performance in pipelines with severe deposits.


  • Dual diameter.

Common Applications

  • Routine maintenance.
  • Wax removal.
  • Restoring or improving throughput.
  • Controlling corrosion.

The WCK cleaning pig is designed to cut through flow-restricting buildup and pipeline deposits. The DD configuration is capable of cleaning multiple diameter sizes of pipe, even in one run.

Pig Type


Diameter Range


  • 6-inch through 14-inch.

Key Features

  • Can be equipped with tempered steel wire brushes or blades and urethane cups or discs for specific cleaning applications.
  • Front end outlet port prevents loosened debris from piling up.
  • Extra bypass holes can be added to the urethane cups to increase performance in pipelines with severe deposits.


  • Dual diameter.

Common Applications

  • Routine maintenance.
  • Wax removal.
  • Restoring or improving throughput.
  • Controlling corrosion.



    Urethane blades provide the tough scraping action necessary to remove soft internal deposits. Because they’re formulated from polyurethane designed to resist abrasion, the blades are long-lasting and reliable. Different urethane formulations are also available for unique applications.


    Brushes made to the exacting standards of the original components help ensure aggressive cleaning by a variety of pigs, removing tough debris like black powder and scale from interior walls.


    Brushes made for plastic or coated pipelines.



      The WCK DD pig can clean a pipeline that has varying diameters in a single run. The pigs are built with collapsible urethane discs to maximize sealing and scraping in a pipeline with varying diameters. Tempered steel springs not only force the brushes against the pipe to remove contaminants and deposits on the pipe wall but they also flex inward to avoid obstructions and to allow the pig to travel through changing diameters while maintaining scraping action.


      The WCK-3 cleaning pig is meant for medium to heavy cleaning to maintain all types of pipelines. The tempered steel springs force high-carbon steel wire brushes against the pipe wall to remove contaminants and deposits. It is equipment with four urethane cups to maximize sealing and scraping in a pipeline. The double mandrel construction joined by a flexible coupler allows the pig to traverse tight 1.5D bends. The extra length allows the pig to traverse valves with long seat ring spacing.


      The WCK-3-Blades cleaning pig is meant for medium to heavy cleaning to maintain all types of pipelines. The tempered steel springs force urethane plow blades against the pipe wall to remove soft, gummy internal deposits and wax. It is equipped with four urethane cups to maximize sealing and scraping in a pipeline. The double mandrel construction joined by a flexible coupler allows the pig to traverse tight 1.5D bends. The extra length allows the pig to traverse valves with long seat ring spacing.