Circumferential Stress Corrosion Cracking Assessment

Circumferential stress corrosion cracking example with crack features indicated by marks on pipeline

Prioritizing Potential Threats

Circumferential stress corrosion cracking (CSCC) is more difficult to detect with traditional in-line inspection tools than axial SCC, but it is just as harmful to pipeline integrity. Using advanced tools such as the MDSâ„¢ platform, integrity engineers can help operators prioritize potential CSCC threats to investigate before leaks occur.


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Causes of CSCC

Because SCC occurs more often, it is better understood by steel pipeline operators. But today, more and more operators are becoming aware of the threat that CSCC poses and how it can go undetected by traditional in-line inspection tools. Steel pipelines where the right conditions are present for SCC may develop CSCC when exposed to geohazards or extreme weather that causes bending strain. Circumferential SCC cracks can also occur due to settling or installation issues that change the orientation of the predominant load.

Threat Awareness: CSCC

In this video, Jason Matocha and Jonathan Hardy dive into Circumferential Stress Corrosion Cracking, sharing more about what causes CSCC and how leverages our MDSâ„¢ Platform to help operators prioritize potential CSCC locations for investigation and remediation.


Combining Technologies for Complex Threats

Leveraging a combination of ILI technologies, Integrity engineers use MDSâ„¢ platform data to identify pipeline locations with active corrosion and concentrated tensile stresses due to unexpected pipeline bending.


Prioritizing Threat Locations

Based on their analysis, our team of integrity engineers classify each location as low, moderate, or high potential for SCC or CSCC. These locations are further prioritized using an associated scoring model to deliver a report that aids in planning digs or repair operations.

MDS Visualization of LFM, MFL, and SMFL Data

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